Tips to Achieving Work-Life Balance

Joshua Doane
3 min readFeb 13, 2020
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Finding that perfect balance between work and your personal life can be hard. Trust me, I know. I juggle working a full-time job, going to school full-time, and spending time with my family.

So, how can we achieve that perfect balance?

Here’s the truth. We can’t.

See, there is no such thing as a “perfect” work-life balance, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t strive for it. If not, we’ll only burn ourselves out as we continue trying to focus on both our professional or personal lives.

Ask anyone you think has their life all sorted. They may look like they’re balancing everything, but more than likely, they’ll tell you they don’t know how they’re maintaining it all.

Now you’re probably thinking, “How can I manage to work as well as taking care of my family, or staying social?” Well, here are three tips that will help you out.

Photo by Ann Danilina on Unsplash

1. Don’t bring your work home with you.

Don’t bring your work home. Once you leave work, make sure it stays there. This will allow you to recharge yourself and focus on other things. Spend time with family and friends and make sure your focus is on them instead of worrying about work.

Ok, now you may be thinking that this is easier said but done, and I agree with you. But its the first step towards that balance that we are looking to achieve.

Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

2. Let your personal life stay personal.

Don’t bring your personal life to work. Worrying about what is happening at home or what is happening in your social life will distract you from what needs to be done on the job. Besides, no one really wants to hear you complain about how your sister-in-law’s cooking blog has pictures of unappetizing food that you wouldn’t serve to Nancy in Accounting. (Sorry, Nancy!)

Stay focused on what you need to do so you can impress your boss and maybe get that promotion that you’re after.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

3. Start a hobby.

All that time, focusing on your job, family, and friends can be stressful, and everyone needs a little time to themselves. The best way to take some R&R is to start doing a hobby. It’s ok to be a bit selfish and get some “me-time.” I know if I didn’t, I’d blow up on everyone that looked at me funny (yes, I’m talking about you Nancy!) Personally, I like to sit back and read a nice long book or work on a small woodshop project. So pick something that you enjoy or something that you want to learn about and set aside some time to work on it. It’ll help you relax and take your mind off of your troubles.

As I said before, there is no such thing as a perfect work-life balance, but with these three tips, you should be able to start seeing some relief from your daily stressors.

